Yellow Water Billabong (Ngurrungurrudjba) is incredibly beautiful – it is home to crocodiles, wild horses, buffalo, and abundant birdlife. We booked a sunset and sunrise Yellow Water Cruise. The guide on the sunset cruise was a young Aboriginal man, who was knowledgeable about collection of traditional foods and a keen wildlife spotter. He encouraged and challenged all of us to spot animals, and stopped the boat to allow us to get a better view and photograph animals. He was very engaging; he spoke quietly and didn’t waste words.
Smoky horizon
Australian pelican, magpie geese, and paperbark trees
Brolga and insect
Crested whistling ducks
Magpie geese
Little pied cormorant
Darter in a dead tree
Pair of white bellied sea eagles
Male comb crested jacana with chicks
Comb crested jacana on a waterlily pad
Rainbow bee eater
Tree snake
Darter drying its feathers
Jabiru flying at sunset
Jabiru walking – crested whistling ducks near the edge of the water
Cruise boat at sunset
Crocodile facing the setting sun
The guide on the sunrise cruise was a young British man who spoke non-stop but didn’t say much. He told sensational and gory stories about crocodiles jumping out of the water to attack people and how they store their prey underwater. He seemed more interested in returning to Cooinda for breakfast than in spotting animals.
Just before sunrise
Forest kingfisher
Nanking night heron
White bellied sea eagle and a flock of magpie geese